The Body Shop: Ginger Anti Dandruff Shampoo

I have never had a dandruff problem in my whole life. Whenever I got dandruff I usually used the Head & Shoulders shampoo (or 2 in 1) two or three times and it would go away.

This time, that's not the case. I've gotten dandruff for maybe a month now and I've used the Head & Shoulders a lot of times now but it's still there. So I've opted for something different. I've researched a couple of anti-dandruff shampoos and since I live in a country were it is unable to find certain types of brands I tried to see if the Body Shop had something.

Having used a hair product from the Body Shop before (and might I add that I simply loved it) I thought that I might give this a shot. If I'm not mistaken this costs around €6 from where I live, don't know precisely because my parents bought it for me and refused to tell me how much it really costs.

I didn't expect anything to happen at the first wash with it. Well, I was wrong. Once I got out of the shower I still saw dandruff. However, after my hair being completely dry, it was nowhere to be seen. Okay maybe there are a few which I can't really see.

Not only has it made a considerable amount of dandruff go on the first wash, but it has also made my curls really pretty (I have medium to thick somewhat curly hair).

It claims that it "conditions" the hair, although I didn't feel it to be conditioned. I wasn't going to apply any conditioner afterwards but felt my hair dry (like any shampoo would without conditioner) so I had to apply it afterwards.

So how much would I rate this product? 4 out of 5.


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