Summer Makeup

Hiiii oh my it's been such a long time since I've posted here!

Apologies. The last semester at school was pretty busy.

Well since it's Summer time I thought I'd share with you the makeup products I use during this time of year.

These are pretty much what I use.
I don't use liquid foundation as I do in Winter. Reason being it just feels too heavy on the face, no matter what type/brand/whatever it is.

Plus the "All Over Cover Stick" from elf does a pretty awesome job to cover imperfections.
So all I use are:
All Over Cover Stick
Clarifying Powder (obviously with the Powder Brush)
Eyebrow Wand
And finally the eyeliner.

I don't use mascara either, it's just too much work in Summer, hahahaha!

Oh by the way, this is not sponsored by "elf". Just happens that I love their products, cheap and awesome :-)


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