Easy Mozzarella Breadsticks

Hi everyone!
Here's a simple and delicious recipe for you!

What you need:

A Knife
Rolling Pin (or hands)
Frying Pan
Optional: Oregano

First cut the all of the crust

Like so

Then roll the slice with a rolling pin
You can press the bread with your hands if you don't have a rolling pin
Just make sure it's flat.

Before and after

Next place the mozzarella on top of the bread
Optional: You can add Oregano, I didn't have any so I didn't add it

And roll it upwards

You should have something like this ^

(Give me a close-up Louis!)

Next step turn on the frying pan

And add a good amount of butter
You can use oil, but, I don't suggest it as the bread absorbs it and it will make you feel sick
Plus the butter gives them that extra yummy taste!

Let the butter melt like so

And then place the bread sticks

Cover the frying pan
And let them cook

Turn them around so that they cook from the other side as well

They're ready when they are golden
I was impatient so I took them off the heat a bit before ha ha ha

And this is how it looks from the inside

I like to cut them into small pieces and eat them as a snack
It also gives an illusion that you have unlimited of these babies

Good luck and I hope you like them :D


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